It was another great year for comic con in NYC, cold with rumors of rain but never a drop in sight! This was the first year that NYCC decided to use a scanning system to allow you access into Javits and out of it. I admit I saw this a being a huge disaster, but was quickly proven wrong when the very long lines starting moving at a rapid rate! Go you NYCC...
Then there is that moment, you've now been through two very long lines and have approached the main floor. You can see the banners overhead welcoming you to the madness, the sounds of the latest video games followed by cheers and jeers from fans. the massive amounts of thought,preparation and planning that goes into every booth never disappoints.
now it's time to study your guide and RUN to the first panel that awaits. This year had SO many that I loved!
everything from "The League" to "Adventure Time" even "Once upon a time" and can't forget Walking Dead & True Blood
the panels are great because you get to see members of the cast talk about being on the show, clips of the latest season, Q&A! It's great!
When I tell people I am going to Comic-con some still do not, and probably will not, ever understand the magnitude of all that is COMIC CON.... TV, MOVIES, VIDEO GAMES, TOYS... and so much more... yes, husband loves the fact that he can get his 5$ graphic novel fix, plus the hope that by sunday they will start to mark things down... but even he knows it's much more then that..
You look around at all these kids some not so much kids.. but all kids at heart.... dressed as the people that make them feel alive and powerful, Cos play is very real and taken very seriously while inside the walls of comic con...
one universal phrase that I have heard i swear more then once at NYCC has been " here are all my people" and what a gathering it is. It's really a beautiful thing. true fans... not jaded assholes who generally hate everything but now that a celebrity is beside them they love it, NOT! this kids are FOR REAL! they live for the break down of every episode of even a HULK cartoon people are watching and people are listening and this convention continuously grows every year because of the feedback that producers get from the TRUE FANS.
This year showed us a new cartoon CHOZEN, with voices by Bobby Moynihan, and Method Man first after seeing the first episode... um whoa... this show will be somewhere between Brickleberry and Archer if that paints a picture for you... Offensive, Yes.... but isn't that how we love our cartoons anymore.
We also saw another glimpse of Star Wars Rebels: behind the scenes of the creation but still very tight lipped about any actual footage. The one thing that you can tell is that the attention to detail is being held under a microscope. if it doesn't match the star wars you grew up they are taking it back to the drawing board.
Yes, this is a fun time and our favorite event of the year, But we also take it seriously because if you were not able to attend the event we are all eyes and ears for all of you to get the most info as soon as possible!
thank you for allowing us the chance to keep doing this every year!
we love our fans!
-Jenny Joy