Wednesday, January 28, 2009

ANIMAL COLLECTIVE ON THE BOWERY is one of the truly great sites on the internet, especially if you are a fan of live shows in the NYC area. IRT conducted a great interview with Mr. Taper that will run in our final print issue, but in the meantime, I suggest you visit his website and grab his absolutely stunning recording of the Animal Collective show at Bowery Ballroom on Inauguration Day last week. He also recorded the previous night's show at the Hammerstein Ballroom as well, but the Bowery show is a definite keeper. While you are there, also peruse the site for his trilogy of recordings from Yo La Tengo's Hanukkah residency at Maxwell's in their beloved Ira, Georgia and James' beloved Hoboken, NJ this past holiday season.

Click here for Instant Gratification

Animal Collective performing "Summertime Clothes" at the Bowery Ballroom, Jan. 21, 2009:

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