It took me a minute to realize what was going on. At the top of my Facebook page, a friend of mine had posted a message that simply stated, "december boys g

On the occasions that artists I truly loved and admired have passed on, I found it difficult to find the words to describe the impact those artists have had on my life. Today is one of those days. I had the pleasure of seeing Alex perform 4 times, and three of those were with the latter incarnation of Big Star, which featured Chilton and original drummer Jody Stephens joined by bassist Ken Stringfellow and guitarist Jon Auer of The Posies. Two of those shows took place in the mid 90's at Tramps in New York City, while the last of those performances came this past November at the Masonic Temple in Brooklyn, NY. It was a special event, with the power pop legends and crowd enthusiastically feeding off each other during the 90 minute set. Chilton appeared to really enjoy himself; he was in good voice that night and the band was decidedly less sloppy than it had been in the past, something which I chalked up to evidence that he was finally comfortable with his status as rock & roll elder statesman and was taking the bands live excursions that much more seriously. He even felt compelled to poke fun at his own vanity, acknowledging that he refused to wear his glasses during the set despite the fact that he had to put them on between songs to check the set list. From the opening notes of "In The Street" to the final "Thank you agains" chorus of the aptly named "Thank You Friends", the band was spot on. It is hard to believe that the man who showed so much passion and joy that night, and who obviously had so much left to offer, is gone so soon.
Of course, the fact that 1,000 people were gathered in Brooklyn that night to see a band that almost 40 years earlier probably struggled to sell 5,000 records was remarkable in its own right. The reasons why Big Star, and Alex's tracks in particular, struck such a chord with those who bought their records will never be crystal clear, but two thoughts do come to mind. First off, there were the hooks. Musically, his influences were worn on his sleeve - you could hear the hints of Lennon & McCartney here and Ray Davies there, with the soul of Memphis' rich musical heritage percolating beneath it all. Lets face it, there were very few bands out there that borrowed so heavily from the British Invasion, yet managed to somehow capture the essence of Booker T & The MG's without sounding anything like them. The second, and often overlooked factor, is that although he didn't quite capture the dark, existential angst and uncertainty that enveloped the songs of band mate Chris Bell, he was a serious writer. There's a reason why so many "Alternative Nation" era bands covered Chilton's songs; they were snapshots of discontent, cynical love letters to the young and the restless a full 20 years before Generation X turned those same chords and lamentations into multi-million dollar recording contracts.
For years, Chilton bristled when questioned about the Big Star legacy, often citing the songwriting as somewhat tepid and proclaiming his later solo efforts, which are much less celebrated and often times critically panned, superior in quality. Whether he truly believed that or was just partaking in some sort of public relations gamesmanship, we will never know. What we do know is that he was always true to himself. The most enduring image I will take of Alex is him leading Big Star through what appeared to be an improvised rendition of Glenn Miller's "Pennsylvania 6-5000" during the last encore of their first New York "reunion" show in 1995. The song was a total mess, with both Jon Auer & Ken Stringfellow struggling to keep up as he labored to "lead" them through the song. When it was over, he basically shrugged his shoulders, grinned widely, and walked off the stage, leaving the crowd scratching their heads but of course wanting more. And now that he has exited stage left for the final time, I can say with confidence that he definitely left the crowd wanting more.
Rest easy Alex, you most certainly earned it.
Big Star tribute this past Saturday at Antone's during SXSW:
John, beautifully done--moving and just...correct about everything. This is it, in a nutshell, why he/they were so great and how that utterly neglected music found its audience on its own (with some important stewards, of course), which is such an affirming idea in an age when most success feels so engineered and greatness follows a master plan. Chilton and the Big Star phenomenon felt so unplanned.
Thanks for that, well said!
yeah, but why is it bloggers can't master the English language? You keep writing "it's" (it is) for "its." Come on! Alex Chilton wouldn't appreciate that!! I learned about "it's" and "its" in the fifth grade, man. I'd take what you have to say a lot more seriously if you had mastered some basic things that writers are supposed to know.
Yeah, I fucked up and used "it's" instead of "its" twice. It has really been bothering me since I read the post this morning. Thanks for pointing it out, though, as the entire thing is pretty much ruined by those mistakes.
John, I fixed the it's vs. its issue, so consider this otherwise masterful remembrance ruined no more. Thanks for bullying my writer, Cranbook! I'm sure Alex Chilton would've appreciated the sentiments in Mr. Greak's kind and thoughtful words over your OCD tendencies in regards the whole it's/its thing any day!
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