Wednesday, December 8, 2010


On December 8th, 1980, the world lost one of the greatest men who ever put the pen to paper and wrote a song. It's hard to believe 30 years has passed since the murder of John Lennon, and the wounds of his passing still feel fresh today. Hearing all the fans singing Beatles and John songs in unison during the first part of the ABC News broadcast covering his death below still brings a tear to the eye.

Just remember the man today and make sure to play your favorite John Lennon song for him. He continues to be missed and lord knows we need his words now in these crazy times more than ever. And much love to Yoko, Julian, Sean and the rest of the Lennon family. -Ed.

Howard Cosell announces the death of John Lennon on Monday Night Football:

ABC News' original broadcast covering the death of John Lennon from December 8, 1980:

Part I

Part II

"Don't Let Me Down", Beatles Rooftop Concert, Apple Records London:

"Instant Karma" live at the One to One concert, New York City:

"(Just Like) Starting Over" Video:

Macca and Ringo speak on John's passing on Larry King Live:

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