Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The tragic death of UK soul sensation Amy Winehouse is a major loss to the music world regardless of where you stand in the context of her troubled life. But whatever brought her life spiraling out of control and into the ether in the weeks leading up to her passing last weekend, if you need to be reminded of what a major star we lost, please check out this stunning cover of "Back To Black" from legendary girl group icon Ronnie Spector on the Rolling Stone website, a stunning testament to the 27-year-old Londoner's impact on pop culture that defied generational boundaries.

Of all the eulogies that poured in this past week in reference to her death, I think it was Tony Bennett, who recorded a duet with Amy this past March on a tune called "Body and Soul" that will most likely go down as her untimely studio swan song, who said it best when he told Us Weekly how she was "an extraordinary musician with a rare intuition as a vocalist and I am truly devastated that her exceptional talent has come to such an early end. She was a lovely and intelligent person and when we recorded together she gave a soulful and extraordinary performance."

Rest in peace, Amy.

Ronnie Spector doing "Back to Black" at BB Kings, NYC, December 2010:

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