Wednesday, January 4, 2012

brad's most anticipated movies of 2012

It seems like the movies i'm looking forward to most this year are all geek movies. what can i say? these nerd approved movies are the ones i'm most excited about. and yes.. i am very excited for the Hobbit, but it didn't map my top 5.. Sorry Peter Jackson.

5) Skyfall

I'm excited to see Skyfall because the franchise has had a much needed boost in the form of new 007 Daniel Criag. the fate of the franchise was in doubt due to legal wranglings, but holiday season 2012 will see the return of mr shaken not stirred.

4) The Amazing Spiderman

Despite my belief that Spiderman doesn't need a reboot, i have high hopes for this film. The lizard is a spider villain that deserves his moment in the spotlight and i enjoyed andrew garfield's performance in The Social network. Just don't mess it up!

3) The Avengers

This is almost assured to be good. All the lead up movies have been good and Joss Whedon is a genius in my book. As far as entertainment goes this seems like a safe bet.

2) Django Unchained

Quentin Tarrantino's take on the spaghetti western. This opens on Christmas day and i will be there with bells on.

1) Dark Knight Rises

Christopher Nolan has made possibly the best superhero movie of all time with The Dark Knight. I can't wait to see what he does with the third film in the trilogy. i love trolling the web for any news, rumors, clips and viral marketing for this. July seems so far away.

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